Chengyang empty heart rivets, experts tell you what is forging:
Forging metal was pressured by the shape or suitable compressive force required to shape the plastic deformation of objects. This force typically by using a hammer or pressure to achieve. Forging process to build a fine grain structure, and improve the physical properties of the metal. Another metal processing technology called casting.
Casting metal forming objects obtained by various casting methods, that smelt good liquid metal, with casting, injection, inhalation or other injection molding method in a prepared mold, after cooling the like, the resulting a certain shape, size and performance of the object.
In general, the greater the intensity of castings for parts by hand pressure, such as rudder horn ships, bulbous bow, anchor lip are steel castings; and forging (sometimes called stamping) greater toughness for a place subject to torque, such as car steering arm.